Photos and Videos:

The 3 Founders of the Association for Hawaiian 'Awa: Jerry Konanui, Genesis Leeloy and Ed Johnston. 1999.
(Photo by Peter French)

Jerry Konanui offers a cup of 'awa to AHA kupuna Genesis Leeloy.
(Photo by Peter French)

Jerry Konanui with a stand of Piper wichmannii. Kahanu, Hana, Maui. 1997.
(Photo by Ed Johnston)

From left to right:
Dr. Jeri Ooka, Jerry Konanui, Ed Johnston, Shahanna Breedlove, Chris Kilham.
Jeri is the 3rd original founding Director/Officer of AHA. Chris and (then) wife Shahanna were in the islands doing research for the Rodale Press book- Tales from the Medicine Trail. This photo was taken at Howard Konanui's 'awa farm while on a day-trip to other Hawaiian 'awa farms for the chapter Nights of Kava. The chapter includes background about Joel McCleary and the formation of the Association for Hawaiian 'Awa.
(Photo by Gladys Konanui)
Dr. Vincent Lebot speaking at the 1998 Hawaiian `Awa Seminar, Hilo, HI (August 8, 1998). Dr. Lebot is introduced by Ed Johnston.
Dr. Dennis McKenna speaking at the 1998 Hawaiian `Awa Seminar, Hilo, HI (August 8, 1998). Dr. McKenna is introduced by Ed Johnston.